Monday, October 26, 2015

Mom's Birthday Wish

Like so many of my favorite things all year, my Mom's birthday is in October and she asked for a song dedication. I couldn't think of a more lovely thing to wish for but it did catch me off guard.

I've been busy this year and haven't been writing much. Blog posts are very spontaneous for me and are usually written in just a few minutes when inspiration hits. Typically, a request like this wouldn't be possible on the fly. Luckily, there is not another person in the world that is more inspirational than that woman.

We do this without trying.
All the time.
My awe is visceral. She's amazing as a mom, to be sure. We also appear to share the same brain. We regularly say/do/buy/point at the same things with near spooky similarity and timing. It is such a blessing to have a thoughtful, personally-invested, like-minded sounding board that I can speak to with utmost honesty. She is the best best friend a person could have.

She effortlessly charms everyone who she comes across. I see it when she visits me in Texas. She is a fan favorite with all my friends and everyone, even some strangers, look forward to her visits. When I go home to Nebraska it is clear that no one has more fun. My friends from former homes continue to stay in touch with her. She's a wild one, without question.

And she's hot. I mean, really. Like gorgeous. Like MILF to nearly every person I know, young and old. The magnetism of this person is incredible. We are all helpless against it. And, it isn't just her physical beauty that makes her irresistible to all. She has a way. A vibe. An aura. If you know her, you know it.

Happy birthday Mom! A little thrown together and not very eloquent, but so, so true. I hope you like your birthday song!

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